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In the first two weeks of Open Enrollment, HealthSherpa volume is up 130%

Note to Media: We can provide state-level aggregate data for categories shown in this document for states where HealthSherpa offers ACA-subsidized policies.

We’re now through the first two calendar weeks of the 2019 Open Enrollment Period (OEP19) for ACA individual health insurance, and two things are clear: demand for comprehensive health insurance is strong, and consumers are finding very affordable coverage for 2020. 

In fact, HealthSherpa saw large gains in enrollment volumes over the same first-week period last year. Here are highlights:

  • So far, HealthSherpa has helped over 140,000 people enroll in 2020 coverage - a 130% increase over the same period last year. 
  • Marketplace coverage remained very affordable for subsidized folks: most HealthSherpa consumers are finding a plan for $40/month or less.
  • Enrollment is strongest in the South with top states including Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi, and these states have some of the lowest premiums—North Carolinians are paying on average just $23 per month.
  • 96% of HealthSherpa consumers found a subsidy, and 72% have additionally qualified for cost-sharing reductions
  • 75% of enrollments were in silver plans, which offer coverage comparable to employer sponsored insurance

Key Enrollment Metrics, Nov 1st - 9th

  • HealthSherpa Enrollment Volume: Up 130% (102,273 for 2019 vs. 44,376 for 2018)
  • Percentage of enrollees claiming a subsidy: Up 1% (96.16%, from 94.88%)
  • Average Applicants Per Policy: Down 1% (1.43 from 1.44)
  • Total Call Volume: Up 122%
  • Median Gross Premium: Down 7% ($764.76 from $825.00)
  • Median Net Premium: Up 26% ($39.47, from $31.35)
  • Median Subsidy: Down 8% ($666.72, from $726)

Most HealthSherpa enrollees are paying $40/month or less

Over 3/4 of HealthSherpa enrollees has enrolled in a silver plan, and 72% are CSR eligible

HealthSherpa's top 5 states by volume this year are Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi

Disclaimer: data listed here is accurate to 5%.


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