Form 1095-A, or the Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, is one of your first opportunities to provide year-round value to your clients.
Here’s some information on this health insurance tax form and what you can do for your clients this tax season through your HealthSherpa account.
Both the federally-funded Marketplace and state-based Marketplaces (FFM and SBM, respectively) use Form 1095-A to report information on enrollments in a qualified health plan (QHP). For every Marketplace health insurance enrollment, a copy of this form is sent to:
Form 1095-A includes the identifying information about the client and any other individuals covered by the health insurance plan, as well as information on the type and duration of coverage. You can find an example Form 1095-A here and an example Form 8962 here from
Your clients will soon begin to receive Form 1095-A’s through the mail, but you also can download them today on behalf of your clients through your HealthSherpa agent account.
Download Form 1095-A to share with your clients. If you have enabled EDE in your account, you can do this by clicking into a specific Client and scrolling down to their ‘Application History.’
Note: You can also download Form 1095-A even if you did not help the client enroll in their prior year’s coverage. Simply click ‘Search Marketplace’ in the top right of your HealthSherpa account and fill out the following form with their information from last year’s application.
Check that the information listed on your client’s 1095-A is correct. Most of this information should be visible in your Clients list, and you can use this tool to confirm their Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan (SLCSP). If anything on the 1095-A is incorrect, either you or your client will need to call the appropriate Marketplace to correct any mistakes. We’ve included FFM and state-based Marketplace contact information below, and you can find SBM information here.
FFM States | | 800-318-2596 | TTY: 855-889-4325 |
Explain how completing Form 8962 may affect how much they owe. See below for more information.
These are the main points to cover with your clients:
Not sure how to tie this all together? Feel free to use this example outreach as a first step:
Subject: Health insurance and your taxes
Hello [Client Name],
You should receive a 1095-A tax form soon in the mail. Please let me know if you want a copy of it earlier — as your insurance agent, I’m able to download your form and share it with you.
In general, people who were covered by a Marketplace health insurance in 2021 and got reductions in their monthly insurance premiums need to use this document to fill out another form (8962) when they file their taxes. This is how the IRS checks whether they paid the right amount throughout the year for each individual or family’s health insurance.
I am not a tax professional, but I would be happy to answer questions about how to use this document when you file your taxes.
[Agent Name]
Are there other 1095’s?
Wasn’t the individual mandate repealed? Do I need to fill out this form?